Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Doug Stobie and Kailee Collins - PHSX 207

Physics 207 Learning Assistant Survey Results

Aly Herbert - BIOB 170

LA: An Ever-Evolving Role

Hannah Buckhalter - WILD 180

Learning Assistants Becoming Teachers

Elizabeth Gomez - EDU 397

The Bridge Between a Professor and Their Students

Cassidy Vandervoort - M105

Discovering Discussion

Ashley Hilferty and Shannon Mclaughlin - PHSX 217

Incorporating Learning Assistants into PHSX 217

Schalene Kraft and Jayson Jessop - CHEM 121

Chemistry Learning Assistants Facilitate Knowledge

Craig Martynn - WILD 370

The Challenges and Victories of a New Learning Assistant

Grace Stavich and Wyatt Nielsen - WILD 240

Wild 240: A Review

Kirsten Terkildsen - WILD 180

Active Learning in Wildlife Biology

Cameron Steurer - WILD 180

From Learning Assistant to Learning Assistant

Tyler Clark - Instructor for WILD 291

An Active Learning Approach to Conservation Science

Abbagail Hyde -- BIOB 170

Active Learning: The Difference it Can Make

Madison Atlas and Ava Troy - BIOB 170

Roles, Relevance, and Rewards of A Learning Assistant